It seams that items created with fort enchanting potions lose charges or they charge cost gets increased up to point when fully charged item don't have enough charge for one use or items can't even be charged at some time after creating it.
So what is the cap or limit of strength and amount of charge after witch charge get nulled ? I am on PC Legendary edition 1.9 with HF, DG, DB no mods or unofficial patches Ciberzombie ( talk) 23:14, 21 September 2016 (UTC) So what is exact conditions of reseting? Ciberzombie ( talk) 21:59, 22 September 2016 (UTC) I have over enchanted (with resto looped alchemy made enchant potions) few weapons (2 dragon bows with very long paralize >7.000s, and deadric waraxe with >20.000 absorb health all with very large charges) and they worked some time with out need of recharge (i could not even recharge them when they worked) and after reloading or restarting they didn't have even one charge and can not be recharget even with grand soul gems with grand souls.
3 Very Useful Dual Enchantments Section?.